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Install and Configure Wox + Zeal

This guides shares how to quickly and efficiently look up documentation on most of the languages and learn—this skill is equally important as learning the framework or language itself.

We need two tools Wox and Zeal.

Let's start with Wox. Here's the perfect description from the author themselves.

Before writing Wox, I always wanted to write a launcher. I like to use hot keys instead of keyboards, especially after using Vim. Win + R inside Windows cannot search programs, not good for me. I also used Launchy, but it seems stopped maintenance for a long time. Back to 2011, I tried to using C-lang to make some attempts, like fstart and smartrun. Maybe I'm a new guy to coding at that time. Those attempts failed at the end. Probably in November 2013, I know Alfred, an outstanding launcher in Mac. Unfortunately, there is no such thing under Windows :( - the documentation


Download Wox You want to download and install the the "wox-full-installer*.exe"

Go through the installation, leave all the default options:

installing Wox

Wox helps you find and open things on your computer without having to click around — it makes you faster. Life is short after all.

For example, if I want to open the Control Panel, instead of going to the menu bar, browsing around, click and open, I can do this:

Open the control panel

Pretty fast! Right?

Now let's configure Wox.

Open Wox > Right Click > Settings

Confirm you have the following settings checked:

  • General > Remember last launch location
  • Hotkey > (Set to whatever you prefer, or leave the default Win + R and memorize this). It's the key you can press from anywhere to start Wox.

Close Wox. When you click anywhere else, it closes.


Download and install zeal

Install zeal

What's zeal?

Per the documentation:

Zeal is an offline documentation browser for software developers

Open Zeal, we're now doing to add documentation for:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Emmet
  • Tailwind CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Font Awesome
  • React

Let's start with HTML

Go to Tools > Docset > Available > HTML > Download

Do the same for CSS, Emmet, JavaScript, Font Awesome and React.

For TailwindCSS, it's different. As you might notice, it doesn't show up like the others.

Here's how to install docsets that are not in Zeal by default.

Go to and in the search box type TailwindCSS

Click the XML feed , copy the URL and paste it in Zeal

Now you can browse any of those documentations with a few keystrokes.

You press Win + R, and z then type what you want to lookup in your documentation.

Using Wox + Zeal