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Program Structure


Your attendance is mandatory.

If you're on the compensated track, we expect you to track all MSIMBO related work through HubStaff.

Sometimes you cannot avoid missing a class. If you need to be away from class, it is your responsibility to inform your instructor and catch up on the materials discussed in the class

Assignments & Exercises

You must type each in, manually. If you copy and paste, you might as well not even do them.

The point of these exercises is to train your hands, your brain, and your mind in how to read, write, and see code. If you copy-paste, you are cheating yourself out of the effectiveness of the program.

We focus on materials that will help you solve practical problems as you will in the "real world."

Reading and Watching

Your are expected to read the materials or view assigned videos in preparation of each lecture.

Make-up Policy

All assignments and project milestones are due at midnight on their due data.

Project receive a rubric from Unsatisfactory to Exceptional, each has clear expectation.

You will have an opportunity to rework an assignment up to 3 times after which it will receive an "Acceptable."

You will be required to finish all you exercises before graduating. You cannot have more than 2 pending "Amateur" or " Unsatisfactory" before moving on to other exercises.

Submission Policy

  • Exercises should be sent as a jsitor or Codesandbox
  • Unless otherwise stated, exercises are due on 4pm the Thursdays before Demo Day.
  • A project is only complete when deployed live (usually to Vercel).
  • You must submit your public working Vercel and GitHub link
  • Projects are due as noted on Moodle
  • Your code is expected to be idiomatic and properly documented in accordance with the grading rubric. See grading rubric.

Team Projects

The goal of the project is to gain hands-on experience with developing a full web application from ground up.

You will be conducted in group of 3 - 4 to collaborate on a projects due every 2 weeks. This projects will allow you to collaboratively get used to the process of developing a web application from start to finish, including design, creation and optimization.

Virtual Class Environment

Our classes will be conducted from Moodle.

We also communicate on the class' slack channel.

To create and preserve a classroom atmosphere that optimizes teaching and learning, all participants share a responsibility in creating a civil and non-disruptive forum for the discussion of idea.

As a student, you are expected to conduct yourself at all times in a manner that does not disrupt teaching or learning. Your comments to others should be constructive and free from harassing statements.

You are encouraged to disagree with other students and the instructor, but such disagreements need to respectful and be based upon facts and documentation (rather than prejudices and personalities).

Part of the learning process in this course is respectful engagement of ideas with others.