Additionl Mac Setup
A starting point is to install Homebrew
Homebrew is a package manager that's going to make it simple to install and manage applications.
Run the following line in and then never use Terminal again. (Note: this is recommended, but not required, VSCode comes with a terminal built-in, you can skip to installing that if you get stuck)
brew cask install iterm2
Now you can open
Next, let's install Visual Studio Code!
brew install visual-studio-code
possible bug : You may need to enter brew cask install visual-studio-code
Now I'm sure you want to make your code editor more comfy, so checkout these two podcast episodes here and here for the best tips and extensions out there. The podcast is great, but you can just read the show notes.
Keyboard Shortcuts
Push yourself to use shortcuts to improve productivity. Here are some good shortcuts, but you'll also want to install CheatSheet.App so that you can see all the shortcuts every app you use has to offer.
brew cask install cheatsheet
Then hold down ⌘ for a bit, boom! shortcuts.
Good luck Mac users!