📄️ Your Roadmap to Tech: From MSIMBO to Your First Tech Job
Strategies and how-to for applying for roles post-MSIMBO
📄️ Coding "Tricks"
Video] [Quickly Bootstrapping an HTML Page
📄️ Deploy a React website with Custom Domain on Vercel
* Purchase a domain
📄️ Design a Tech Presentation with Markdown
How to present an impactful technical presentation with markdown using hackmd.io
📄️ Code Documentation
* \Video] [Dash API Documentation Review \[Mac]
📄️ Git & Github
* \Video] [Git & GitHub Crash Course For Beginners (I recommend reading the comments for updates_)
📄️ Grading Rubric
| Triait | Exceptional | Acceptable | Amateur | Unsatisfactory |
📄️ Mindset Shift
* \Article] [Hackers & Painters